Clayton Senior

Ryan Companies
Clayton, MO
Completion date
September 2021

For more than a decade, visitors to upscale Clayton, Missouri, a western suburb of St. Louis, were welcomed by a vacant grocery store crouching at the corner of one of the city's major intersections.

Seeing the possibility for development on this corner, Ryan Companies, in partnership with Life Care Services, proposed a solution for the space: a luxury senior living environment that could seamlessly fit within the existing neighborhood. The result of these efforts is Clarendale Clayton, a 13-story, 406,033-SF community that offers a mix of luxury units, including 195 independent living apartments, 66 assisted living and 20 memory care apartments. Â  

Designed in collaboration with Ryan A+E, ACI Boland Architects and Oculus Inc., Clarendale Clayton leverages rich, textured masonry and clean modern lines of concrete that mimic cut limestone to create a cohesive aesthetic with the surrounding neighborhood and express the city's history with the brick industry. žžÊÓƵ's interior design, which encompasses the independent living, assisted living and assisted living memory care corridors and apartments, as well as the independent living movie theater, multipurpose room, craft room, salon and wellness facilities and the amenities within memory care, exudes the elegance of 1940s Modernism, blending the ornamentation of Art Deco with the minimalism of Mid-Century Modern. Carefully curated artwork throughout the community embraces the history and culture of St. Louis and further reinforces Clarendale Clayton's connection to its locality.